Exel: Drexel University's Research Magazine – Science for Sustainability


_Science for Sustainability

As the world faces widening health disparities and mounting weather extremes, Drexel continues to find new ways to put our research and translational expertise to work toward addressing climate crisis, promoting sustainability and supporting environmental justice.

This latest edition of EXEL vividly illustrates how our researchers are working toward a safe, healthy and just future. Our scientists are building battery prototypes made of abundant, Earth-friendly materials that are free of human rights conflicts. They’re inventing new materials that could be the key to green hydrogen fuel. On the city’s streets, they’re studying ways to safeguard citizens most impacted by floods and rising temperatures.

Among the many examples in these pages, I’m especially proud to highlight the work of the Environmental Collaboratory, a new interdisciplinary initiative that is bringing science out of the classroom and into the field, where researchers are fighting environmental hazards alongside community organizations in their neighborhoods. The first of these projects began here at home, with a group of South Philadelphia activists combatting air pollution, and there are many more projects under way.

Our efforts to help the city prepare for climate change go wider still in our role as a civic anchor institution. With a large consortium of regional stakeholders, we helped to draft a climate resiliency research agenda to protect the region and its most vulnerable citizens from extreme weather effects. And we’ve joined a new research network of local universities that is bringing our brightest minds together to proactively manage water resources.

The depth of Drexel’s capabilities is reflected in $152 million in federally sponsored research expenditures so far this year and the University’s continued classification as an R-1 institution.

As public agencies, foundations and industry partners look to our University for knowledge and expertise, Drexel will remain focused on strengthening our research infrastructure and our resolve to meet the challenges facing our community, our country and our planet.


John Fry / President